Sunday, September 24, 2006

Taking off with the new Blogger Beta

The new features, mainly back end database and tagging, made me begin with the new Blogger Beta. My earlier blogs are still at the "old" Blogger server, so I will first get used to this new Beta with this blog, and once everything seems to be working (including the tools for posting to blog, performancing plugin, etc), I'll merge those other blogs into this Beta.

Anyway, this blog is about my research, which aims at PhD. The target of my research is to look if semantic web technologies and identity (management) could be integrated, if so, how could it be done; how does the semantic web benefit from the identity management, and vice versa. And also, what kind of different perspectives would we have into this "merger"; end-users, service providers, service hosts (identity providers), and so on. And what kind of actors would be winners in this game. All these questions hopefully gets answered in my dissertation, which I hope to finish at some point during the next year.

Well, watch this space, there's more to come :-)

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