Sunday, January 14, 2007


ITU-T has formed a new Focus Group on IdM, with the first meeting being organized on February 13th. It looks like this group, taking a telco-view to the IdM issues, will develop its own use cases and requirements, and then reference a lot to the existing standards, such as Liberty Alliance. Or this is what I hope for, because yet another framework for IdM seems to be a waste of time and resources to me. Well, we'll see what happens once this group really kicks off and starts to work.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

New year, new things

First of all, happy new year 2007 to everyone, who happens to read this blog (only me? ;-) Second of all, I think I will broaden the area of discussion to cover other things than what are in the scope of the topic of this blog. Why? Well, I'm not sure, but maybe I'm thinking of having just one blog for all the thoughts. And also, as the new Blogger allows to tagging of blog entries, it is quite easy to filter things to find and read what the reader is interested in.

Well, let's follow these new lines, and begin by writing about something that is totally out of scope of semantics and identities: health and exercising. I think I haven't mentioned this before, but I'm on my way to reduce body weight and getting into a better shape. From last summer, my body weight has gone down by about 10 kilos, but my aim is to further lower it by some 5-8 kilos. In the same time, the idea is to workout at the gym, thus, getting back the muscles I used to have when I was younger. Well, at this age this might be very hard, but I will do my best. While working out will give me good anaerobic fitness, I will also improve my aerobic fitness. Playing icehockey helps a lot, but because of its infrequency, I will need to do some jogging aside it. A couple of 10 kilometer loops in a week should keep up the base aerobic fitness level. And finally, going to work and back to home with bicycle will also help, because it will give me 22 kilometers of bicycling for the week days.

Now I just have to get back to gym, and get that jogging back to my schedules to make all this happen. I will try to post some news about my progress more or less regularly.

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